School Details

School Details

Address: 16 Oak Street, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon
Founded by: The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China
Religion: Christianity
Supervisor: Dr. Kao Yi Tsun Richard
Principal: Dr. Cheung Pui Shan
Category: Anglo-Chinese grammar secondary school
Type: Subsidized school
Medium of Instruction: English
Founding Year: 1967
No. of classes: S.1 - S.6 : 4 classes
Area: 4,300 square meters
School Facilities: School Facilities:
All the 30 classrooms and special rooms are air-conditioned and equipped with full WIFI coverage, computer, projector, Apple TV and visualizer.

Special rooms include: IT Innovation Laboratory (equipped with laser cutters, 3D printers, 3 sets of iMac and 24 sets of MacBook Air), STEM Learning Centre, 2 Computer and Multimedia Learning Rooms, 5 Laboratories, Library, English Activity Room, Geography room, Ceramics Room, Visual Art Room, Home Economics Room, Needlework Room, Music Room, etc.

The school has an assembly hall with capacity over 1300, a mini hall with equipment for drama and other performances, a canteen with capacity of 100, Art Gallery, Religious Education Resource Centre, Gym Room, changing rooms and bathrooms with warm water supply, etc.

Facilities for Supporting Students with Special Education Needs:
Ramp, Accessible lift, Accessible toilet, tactile guide path, accessible public information / service counter and visual fire alarm system.
Telephone: 2392 3963 (Office)
Facsimile: 2142 7376
Direct public transportation to School: MTR: Mong Kok Station(Exit C2) , Olympic Station (Exit D1);Bus route to Olympian City or Tai Kok Tsui.